Automotive Tire Storage

Auto Dealership Tire Storage

Automotive Tire Storage
Vertical Carousel - Tire | Pan | Textile | Print Cylinder
Vertical carousels consists of shelves that rotate up or down via the shortest path, automatically delivering items to an ergonomically positioned pick window. The product line is available in a wide range of heights, widths, and depths to meet nearly any storage and retrieval requirement.
Features & Benefits –
Save up to 75% of floor space reducing the foot print designated to storage and utilize the valuable real estate to drive revenue for your organization
Increase productivity by 600% by eliminating time wasted walking and searching for items, work can now be performed by one operator that use to take three operators
Increase accuracy levels to 99.99%
Increase security and restricted access utilizing the vertical carousel security system with features from accessibility options for individual operators.
100% load imbalance for fast and easy load management
Utilizing the adjustable work counter allows the vertical carousel to deliver carriers at the optimal height for individual operators
Pick to light
Spare parts package
Dividable containers
Intermediates shelves
Barcode integration
WMS and ERP integration
Extended warranty