Horizontal Carousel Order Fulfillment System
The horizontal carousel is a reliable solution for warehouses, distribution centers, hospitals and more. Horizontal carousels consist of a series of bins; each bin is comprised of fully adjustable shelves, which move on an oval track. Each carousel within the pod automatically rotates and pre-positions the next pick, driving a high throughput picking system. Pick-to-Light technology is integrated into the system to direct the operator, optimizing the speed and accuracy of the process.
Features include –
Throughput up to 550 lines per hour, per operator
Save up to 75% of floor space reducing the foot print designated to storage and utilize the valuable real estate to drive revenue for your organization
Increase productivity by 600% by eliminating time wasted walking and searching for items, work can now be performed by one operator that use to take three operators
Increase accuracy levels to 99.99%
Flexible design allows organizations to reduce or increase the size of the system
Single frame size allowing multiple bin sizes
Commercially available AC controllers that are highly reliable and fully featured
The highest capacity standard shelves in the industry – 150lb. with optional 80 and 225lb.
Bin Styles:
Custom wire-spacing and configurations
Solid steel construction
Peg board
Rack style
Cantilever shelf
Hopper and enclosed container
Angle forward shelves for consolidation
Dual-face configurations